
Showing posts from August, 2021


 Gastroschisis is a birth defect of the abdominal wall, which causes for babies intenstines to be outside of the baby's body when born. When I was 13 weeks pregnant I found out that my son, Lorenzo, was going to be born with this defect.  There was nothing we could do about it except wait until he was born. Every week I had to go to a specialist to look over how Lorenzo was doing and whether or not he was getting worst.  Once he born, he had to be flown to the Riley's Children Hospital in Indianapolis. The doctors would slowly put his intestines back into his stomach everyday until they were completely back inside him. The whole process took about a week for Lorenzo and afterwards had to get surgery to close his stomach up. He had to slowly start eating after the surgery, because he was not allowed to until after everything was back inside his stomach. After a month of being in the hospital, Lorenzo was finally able to come home with me. 

Goblin and The Grocer

       The Goblin and the Grocer is a small restaurant located in Beverly Shores, Indiana. I have been working there for almost a year. It has been the best place I have worked at by far. The workers are all friendly and the customers couldn't be better, not to mention the location of the restaurant is amazing. The restaurant is located right down the road from the beach and the camp grounds.  The customers are the sweetest people ever and no one ever complains. You get to meet a lot of new people as they come from all over the country. There is seating inside of the restaurant and they have seating outside as well, which is pet friendly to customers. Inside the restaurant, they have a deli that people can come in and purchase instead of sitting down and eating. Also, they have there own merchandise that you can purchase. Their menu is always changing with the different seasons, so customers can come in and expect something new all the time. I would highly suggest to come and visit