Renzo turning 2

 I can’t believe Lorenzo is already 2. Every single day he is learning something new. It’s crazy how much he already knows and watching him grow is just so crazy. He is getting so much fun now, he’s getting to the age where he wants to run around and play. Lorenzo is learning a bunch of words, he copies off of anyone. He is in the “terrible 2s” and that’s the worst part. If you tell him no he throws a tantrum which sucks. He’s always saying “mommy I love you” and that’s the cutest thing he has been saying. We even went and took pictures for his birthday too at the beach and let him play in the sand after we were done because he was being so good, which is a surprise. 

We had a train birthday for him and he would just keep saying “choo choo”. He got a ton of presents and clothes. The family came and he got to play with his cousins all day, we even got him his favorite food, pizza. Finally, we got him his own personal cake for himself and he made a huge mess, but I didn't care because it was his birthday. On his actual birthday I took him to a jump place for him to jump around and go down slides, he had so much fun. I love how he is running around, 2 is definitely a fun age besides all the tantrums. 
