Project Nim

 1. The specific scene that really got to me was when after five years they dropped off Nim at another facility with other chimpanzees, after living with them for so long. I felt really sad because I am a big animal lover and get really emotional when it comes to any kind of animal. Nim was sooo cute. I could not believe that after so long they had to give him away, I would never have the heart to do that kind of thing. I feel like there could have been an alternative than to get rid of him and give him away. They could've made his own personal home in the backyard or have done something similar to that. 

2. The thing that surprised me the most was the fact that they were able to teach him so many hand signs, to be able to communicate with each other. I thought it was interesting that chimpanzees could be able to learn a method to be able to communicate with us and live with us because of it. The thing that caught me off guard was the fact that Nim was able to create his own words and signs the more he grew and the more he learned. 

3. The one question I had after finishing the film was that were they able to replicate this experiment and teach other chimpanzees like Nim the same sign language? If not, did they do a different method or different signs for different words? I feel like they could create a group of chimpanzees that could communicate with each other using signs. After the film, I still felt a little upset about how Nim was treated for a few years of his life and also the fact that he passed away from a heart attack as well. 

4. We should avoid including research in our summaries because the research could have nothing the summary of the film. Also, if we include research in a summary the summary can turn into a research paper when it should be a simple summary of the film. The research can end up making you include information in the summary that is not needed or irrelevant to the summary of the film and the main focus of the summary will be lost. 
