Trip to Mexico

 I have never been out of the country and I finally was able to go. When we first landed I was confused with the language because thats all they would speak at the airport, but we finally were able to get to our transportation and left for the hotel. We stayed at a nice hotel in Puerto Vallarta and it was an all inclusive resort. It had a beach, pools, hot tub, even a kids section for Lorenzo to play. They had five different restaurants that were all themed different, from Mexican food to Italian food, the best part was that they had an ice cream stand that you could go to as much as you wanted and was open all day. We even got to leave the resort a couple times and got to explore what Mexico was like without the resort and saw what the culture was like. 

The sun was super hot over in Mexico but it was amazing. Lorenzo went down the slides several times, we ate a bunch of ice cream cones and ate so much food, the food was so delicious I couldn't get enough of it. At night they would have shows for the kids to go watch and then after the kid show was over they did some adult ones like “American Idol” for example. We saw the biggest iguana ever. It was just walking around the hotel unbothered and everyone took pictures. I found out that depending on the animal they just let it roam around freely in nature like the iguana for example. I learned so much about Mexico while on this trip and I can not wait to go back again next summer. 

