
Showing posts from September, 2021

Matching with mini me

 I have always wanted to match with someone and I finally have my little mini me to match with. I always look for outfits that’ll match for me and Lorenzo, it’s one of my favorite things to do. I am always looking for the same shoes also to match with our outfits. Whenever I go to any store and see an outfit for me I instantly go and look in the kids section and see if I can find something that can match me. Whenever I have free time and I am online on my computer I look at matching outfits for us too. I feel like I can't stop!  Every holiday I always look for matching outfits for us. The best part about the matching outfits for the holidays is that it is always themed for that specific holiday. Then, we go get our pictures taken with our outfits on and frame them. I am going to make it a tradition to do it for every holiday even when he is older and doesn't want to do it. I even get them framed and give them to my mom as a present every Christmas. 

Renzo turning 2

 I can’t believe Lorenzo is already 2. Every single day he is learning something new. It’s crazy how much he already knows and watching him grow is just so crazy. He is getting so much fun now, he’s getting to the age where he wants to run around and play. Lorenzo is learning a bunch of words, he copies off of anyone. He is in the “terrible 2s” and that’s the worst part. If you tell him no he throws a tantrum which sucks. He’s always saying “mommy I love you” and that’s the cutest thing he has been saying. We even went and took pictures for his birthday too at the beach and let him play in the sand after we were done because he was being so good, which is a surprise.  We had a train birthday for him and he would just keep saying “choo choo”. He got a ton of presents and clothes. The family came and he got to play with his cousins all day, we even got him his favorite food, pizza. Finally, we got him his own personal cake for himself and he made a huge mess, but I didn't care becaus

Trip to Mexico

 I have never been out of the country and I finally was able to go. When we first landed I was confused with the language because thats all they would speak at the airport, but we finally were able to get to our transportation and left for the hotel. We stayed at a nice hotel in Puerto Vallarta and it was an all inclusive resort. It had a beach, pools, hot tub, even a kids section for Lorenzo to play. They had five different restaurants that were all themed different, from Mexican food to Italian food, the best part was that they had an ice cream stand that you could go to as much as you wanted and was open all day. We even got to leave the resort a couple times and got to explore what Mexico was like without the resort and saw what the culture was like.  The sun was super hot over in Mexico but it was amazing. Lorenzo went down the slides several times, we ate a bunch of ice cream cones and ate so much food, the food was so delicious I couldn't get enough of it. At night they woul

Swimming with Dolphins

     Since I was a kid, I loved dolphins so much that I even wanted to be dolphin trainer. My dream was to swim with dolphins, but I never had the chance to do so, since it is hard to be able to find a place to swim with dolphins around here. Well, that all changed when I went on vacation to Mexico this past summer. There was an opportunity for me to go swim with dolphins and I decided it was finally time to do what I always wanted.    When I went to go swim with Dolphins I was so excited I couldn't contain myself. When I walked in I saw the dolphins and my eyes lit up as I was getting more excited as the time got closer and closer. Once the dolphin trainers called us in we walked over to the pool where the dolphins are and got ready. We had to take off all piercings and had to put on a life jacket as well. Once we got in the water with them, it was a dream come true, the dolphin came up to me and I was able to touch it and pet it. It would do tricks for us and I even got to feed i